oceanmap Tutorial | Part 1 - Plotting landmasks

oceanmap ggplot plotly raster

In this first oceanmap tutorial we will learn different ways to plot or add landmasks to existing figures.

Robert K. Bauer http://www2.hawaii.edu/~rkbauer (Hawai’i Institute of Marine Biology
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa)https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=J-0_tdbR2tgC

Getting started | Requirements

To run this tutorial we will need oceanmap version >= 0.13. You can find the newest version on github

## install or load package
# install.packages("oceanmap") # from CRAN
# library(xfun)
# install_github("rkbauer/oceanmap") # newest version from github

## Package overview and version:
help(package="oceanmap") ## list of functions


Visualizing data is a crucial step in analyzing and exploring data. During the last two decades the statistical programming language R has become a major tool for data analyses and visualization across different fields of science. However, creating figures ready for scientific publication can be a tricky and time consuming task. The oceanmap package provides some helpful functions to facilitate and optimize the visualization of geographic and oceanographic data, such as satellite and bathymetric data sets. Its major functions are

These functions were written in a way that they do not require a large amount of their numerous arguments to be specified but still return nice plots. Each of these functions will be subsequently discussed. A closely related problem represents the extraction of spatial data at defined positions/areas. Some examples on this will be discussed in an extra section.

The plotmap-function

Often it is required to add a land mask as geographical reference to an image- or scatter- plot. To add a landmask it is required to provide information about the region extent. As for the entire oceanmap-package, the idea of the plotmap-function is to reduce the user effort when creating figures. To allow a high level of user flexibility plotmap can produce a may by 5 different ways. By providing the required region extent as:

  1. geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude),
  2. a raster-object
  3. an extent-object
  4. a region-keyword
  5. or add a land mask to an existing plot

Many additional arguments can passed by the user. The idea of a region-keyword (option 4) is to use a short character string instead of requiring axes limits. This keyword feature is also implemented in the v-function and permits here the rapid visualization of subregions of interest (e.g. from a raster object). Region keywords can be set up by the add.region-function. The latter function is interactive and also defines the default colorbar placement that is further used by the v-function.

5 different ways to produce a map with plotmap() - examples

Example 1: plot landmask of the Mediterranean Sea

a) by using longitude and latitude coordinates:

lon <- c(-6, 37)
lat <- c(30, 46)
plotmap(lon=lon, lat=lat, main="Mediterranean Sea")
plotmap(xlim=lon, ylim=lat, main="Mediterranean Sea")

b) plot landmask of the Mediterranean Sea by using an extent-object

ext <- extent(lon, lat)
plotmap(ext, main="Mediterranean Sea") # extent-object

c) plot landmask of the Mediterranean Sea by using a raster-object:

r <- raster(ext)
plotmap(r, main="Mediterranean Sea") # raster-object

d) plot landmask of the Mediterranean Sea by using a region label:

# run regions() to check pre-installed region labels
# (we will introduce later how to define new region definitions)
plotmap('med4', main="Mediterranean Sea") # region label for the Mediterranean

e) add landmask to an existing plot:

plot(3.7008, 43.4079, xlim=lon, ylim=lat)
points(3.7008, 43.4079, pch=19)

Example 2: subplots and some additional arguments of plotmap()

par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
plotmap('medw4', main="Western Mediterranean Sea",col.bg="darkblue")
plotmap('medw4', main="Western Mediterranean Sea", bwd=3, border='grey', 

Saving plots with figure()

oceanmap inlcudes its own function to save figures in different file formats:

do.save <- FALSE ## open a plotting window
figure("Gulf_of_Lions_extended", do.save=do.save, width=5, height=5,type="pdf")
plotmap("lion",col.bg='darkblue' ,grid=FALSE)

Recommendation: Note that you can, unlike with the basic map-package, resize figures generated by plotmap (and v)-function calls. (In fact, only the font and border width size will change when resizing figures.)

Use dev.size() to find the most appropriate dimensions for your plot and check out figure() to switch between the plotting window and diverse figure file formats: jpeg, png, eps or pdf. Formats are selected according to the type statement (e.g. type=jpeg).

ATTENTION To save plots with figure(), the device needs to be closed by a separate function(dev.off() or close_fig(/TRUE))

Example 3: resize figure manually and get new figure dimensions:

width <- dev.size() [1]
height <- dev.size() [2]

do.save <- TRUE ## do NOT open a plotting window, but save figure internally

figure("Gulf_of_Lions_extended", do.save=do.save, 
       width=width, height=height, type="pdf")
plotmap("lion",col.bg='darkblue' ,grid=FALSE)

Drawing maps from West to East or East to West:

Particularly tricky but not that uncommon is the case of drawing maps that cover the region between the “Western” or “Eastern” hemispheres (i.e. that run from 180°W to 180°E or 180°E to 180°W). Whether plotmap draws a map from the Western to the Eastern or Eastern to Western hemisphere depends on the order and magnitude of the defined longitude values. In general, xlim and Jon-values < 0 or > 180 are always treated as Western longitudes. Accordingly, maps are drawn from East fo West if xlim[1] > xlim[2] and from West to East if xlim[2] > xlim[1]. Here an easy example:

Example 4: between hemispheres

plotmap(lon=c(80, -120), lat=c(-50, 10), main="map from East to West")
plotmap(lon=c(-120, 80), lat=c(-50, 10), main="map from West to East")

ggplotmap and and ggplotmaply

The newest version of oceanmap includes now a gglplot and plotly-version of the base-function plotmap(). You can use gglplotmap() to create land masks, which you can add to existing ggplots.

ggobj <- ggplotmap("mhi")

Now let’s convert this figure into an interative visualization using the ggplotmaply-function: (Note that the scale bars of ggplotmap() can not be inlcuded in the plotly visualizations.)


Although the remaining tutorial will focus on the base-functions of oceanmap, we will address how to use ggplotmap and ggplotmaply with rasterized data in the second oceanmap tutorial.

Available and new region keywords & definitions

Researchers often need to analyse spatial data of a fixed study region (e.g. the Western Mediterranean Sea). To facilitate plotting of such data, oceanmap comes with a region-keyword feature. The idea of this is to link all information required to produce land mask or image plots to a short keyword (label). Apart from its keyword, each region-definition includes a long version of the label, the spatial extent of the region (longitudes and latitudes), its grid resolution, as well as the default colorbar position and default figure dimensions. Available region-definitions are stored as a data frame in the region_definitions file of the package.

head (region_definitions)
# ?region_definitions
# figure (width=15,height=15)
for(n in region_definitions$label) plotmap(region = n,main=n)

How to create and delete region-definitions with add.region()

The function add.region() can be used to set up new region-definitions (and -keywords), to store or restore a backup. ATTENTION: Backups are necessary since new region- definitions will be lost when updating eceanmap! In general, new regions can be supplied as a one-row data frame, e.g. by modifying existing region definition entries, or as a second option, through an interactive process. Here an example on how to modify existing definitions (the interactive way will be discussed on the next page):

Example 1: Add region by supplying a one-row data.frame that holds the entire required information

data(region_definitions) # load region_definitions
lion <- region_definitions[region_definitions$label == 'lion',] # selecting Gulf of Lions region

Example 2: Delete region

delete.region("junk") # delete junk region
data(region_definitions) # reload region_definitions

Example 3: Create new region-definitions with add.region() - the interactive way

Calling add.region() without or insufficient arguments starts an interactive session that prompts the user to complete the new region definition. The single steps of this way listed below:

Please define the keyword of the new region, coded as 'label':
Please define the long name of the new region, coded as 'name':

Please define the northern most latitude
(negative values for the southern hemisphere) of the new region, coded as 'latn':

Please define the southern most latitude
(negative values for the southern hemisphere) of the new region, coded as 'lats':

Please define the western most longitude of the new region
(negative values for the western hemisphere), coded as 'lonw':

Please define the western most longitude of the new region
(negative values for the western hemisphere), coded as 'lone':

Please type 'm' if you want to perform colorbar placement by hand (mouse cursor)
or a letter (b, 1, t, r) referring to a side of the plot (bottom, left, top, right).

If 'm' (manual placement) was selected:
Please select the lower left colorbar-position by the mouse cursor.

Please select the upper right colorbar-position by the mouse cursor.

You can resize the window to appropriate size. Try to avoid white space.
Press <Enter> when done.

Please enter the default grid resolution

Press <Enter> to save the new region definition
or any other key to abort the operation



For attribution, please cite this work as

Bauer (2020, Aug. 16). Marine Biologging & Data Science | Blog: oceanmap Tutorial | Part 1 - Plotting landmasks. Retrieved from http://oceantags.com/posts/oceanmap_Tutorial_Part1_Landmasks/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Bauer, Robert K.},
  title = {Marine Biologging & Data Science | Blog: oceanmap Tutorial | Part 1 - Plotting landmasks},
  url = {http://oceantags.com/posts/oceanmap_Tutorial_Part1_Landmasks/},
  year = {2020}